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The Blues (Depression)

There are some people who are clinically depressed and this does not pertain to you however the same resolve used here may help with any form of depression. Much of the depression we see now comes from habit only and seems to spread from one person to another. For some it has become some kind of "status symbol" to be depressed and to be sure that everyone they come across knows it.

When Jesus left this earth in the flesh, God the father sent a comforter to each and every Christian.

-CEV- John 14:16 Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit who will help you and always be with you.

This comforter will be with us forever. Through good times and bad, He is there to comfort us in many ways.

-CEV- John 14:26 But the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you.

He will remind us of all of the things Jesus taught us. Things about love, faith, compassion, bravery, happiness and joy. Jesus taught us all of these things and the Holy Ghost will remind us of these things as we need them.

-CEV- John 15:26 I will send you the Spirit who comes from the Father and shows what is true. The Spirit will help you and will tell you about me.

It is God the Father that sent this comforter to us. He will even tell us in all truth that God the Father will testify that everything that Jesus taught us is the absolute truth.

-CEV- John 16:7 But I tell you that I am going to do what is best for you. That is why I am going away. The Holy Spirit cannot come to help you until I leave. But after I am gone, I will send the Spirit to you.

In effect, the comforter replaced Jesus in the flesh to help make all of the disciples feel safe. They were so used to Jesus taking care of them, they needed something to remind them of Jesus telling them that even after he left this earth, He is still with us and will continue to protect us and make us a happy people.....if we will allow it

When you accept Jesus as your Savior, He dwells in your heart. There is not enough room there for both Jesus and satan. satan still wants you and since he can't get into your heart, just what do you think he is going to do.

He is going straight for your mind. satan wants your soul and he wants it bad. He wants your soul to burn with him in hell for all eternity and will stop at nothing to get his way. He will build a stronghold in your mind that once established is something that is hard and may take decades if not a lifetime to get rid of. Let's not forget that satan has his workers too that will try and help with this demonishment. Men walk this earth trying to help satan destroy your life.

-CEV- Jeremiah 5:23 You stubborn people have rebelled and turned your backs on me. 24 You refuse to say, "Let's worship the LORD! He's the one who sends rain in spring and autumn and gives us a good harvest." -CEV- Jeremiah 5:25 That's why I cannot bless you! * 26 A hunter traps birds and puts them in a cage, but some of you trap humans and make them your slaves.

By building his stronghold in your mind, he has a way of controlling and confusing your thoughts. He will dwell in a place that if you allow it, can overtake the peace, love and joy that is brought to you by Jesus and make the comforter null and void in your life. He has enslaved you.

-CEV- Job 22:10 That's why you were suddenly trapped by terror, 11 blinded by darkness, and drowned in a flood. 12 God lives in the heavens above the highest stars, where he sees everything. 13 Do you think the deep darkness hides you from God?

-CEV- Job 22:14 Do thick clouds cover his eyes, as he walks around heaven's dome high above the earth? 15 Give up those ancient ideas believed by sinners, 16 who were swept away without warning.

-CEV- Job 22:17 They rejected God All-Powerful, feeling he was helpless, 18 although he had been kind to their families. The beliefs of these sinners are truly disgusting. 19 When God's people see the godless swept away, they celebrate, 20 saying, "Our enemies are gone, and fire has destroyed their possessions."

-CEV- Job 22:21 Surrender to God All-Powerful! You will find peace and -CEV- Proverbssperity. 22 Listen to his teachings and take them to heart. 23 If you return to God and turn from sin, all will go well for you.

These things have been going on since the begining of time and don't think for a second that they will not happen to you. All it takes is giving satan a half a chance at something tiny to hold onto and from there he will become an overwhelming power in your being. He will have more control over your life than even Jesus.

What are things that we as Christians can do to keep satan from building these strongholds in our mind and stay at peace with the Lord. One thing is, DO NOT GIVE SATAN ANYTHING TO FEED ON !!!

If you let satan get hold of your mind with some thoughts that you have, he will hold onto those thoughts for dear life, YOUR ETERNAL DEAR LIFE, if you allow it. Sure, we all have -CEV- Proverbsblems and we could all dwell on them for endless hours, days, weeks and before you realize it, you will have been dwelling on these things that ARE NOT of God for years.

-CEV- Psalms 18:5 Ropes from the world of the dead had coiled around me, and death had set a trap in my path.

Just why in the world would you want to give satan something to feed on?

It may not be you but it most certainly be satan tricking you into having one simple negative thought that he will water and nurture to become a thriving plant within your mind. This happens and when it does, you might as well call yourself demon possessed. Not demon possessed as the boy that Jesus cast out the demon in the Bible but a posession of your mind by a demon that has an overwhelming grip on you that you have allowed to become STRONGER than the grip the Lord has.

If you are a saved person, won't it sure be hard to look Jesus in the eye in Heaven knowing that you spent more time dwelling on what satan wants you to dwell on than trying to be a good servant for the Lord. As long as you are allowing satan to have his way and cause you to dwell on the negative aspect of ANYTHING in your life, you can NOT be a good servant for the Lord.

-CEV- Luke 16:13 You cannot be the slave of two masters. You will like one more than the other or be more loyal to one than to the other. You cannot serve God and money.

There are times that we see people get so consumed with any and every little negative thought that could possibly creep into their mind that they don't have time to serve Jesus. They are too busy serving satan and the grip he has on their mind.

It also seems that many times just as soon as a person comes to terms with one negative thought, that satan has used, and get rid of it, it takes no time at all for satan to replace that thought with another. This can go on for years and if not careful, you will one day look up and find yourself to be an old person that has spent the most of their lives worrying about tricks that satan has been playing on them.

-CEV- Psalms 141:9 Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me, and the gins of the workers of iniquity.

It sure doesn't show much faith in the Lord to allow satan to get such a grip on you. Satan was defeated long ago. He has no chance of winning and he knows it. The one that beat satan was God. and with God living in your heart, how in the world can a true Christian let the satan of their mind beat the God in their heart? IT CAN NOT BE DONE UNLES YOU AND ONLY YOU ALLOW IT !!!

Some people will say, I have tried and it just doesn't work. Well I have news for you. You are trying it on your own and not for one second are you depending on the Lord for any help whatsoever. You can't beat satan on your own. It takes help from the Lord and if you think for a single second that you don't need God's help in fighting satan then you may as well get used to whatever feelings you have because they will be there for life.

-CEV- Proverbs 22:3 When you see trouble coming, don't be stupid and walk right into it-- be smart and hide. 4 Respect and serve the LORD! Your reward will be wealth, a long life, and honor.

-CEV- Proverbs 22:5 Crooks walk down a road full of thorny traps. Stay away from there! 6 Teach your children right from wrong, and when they are grown they will still do right.

We as Christians have GOT to put our faith in the Lord to bring us through these times. We have GOT to depend on the one that has already beat satan to -CEV- Proverbstect us. Just because you don't feel an overwhelming peace in only a couple of minutes after having served the ways of satan for months doesn't mean that God isn't there fighting for you.

-CEV- Proverbs 14:26 If you respect the LORD, you and your children have a strong fortress 27 and a life-giving fountain that keeps you safe from deadly traps.

God has a plan, His timing is perfect and out of faith you should be willing to wait on the one you expect to help you fight this monster in His way and in His time. Let it be used to glorify His name and quit using these feelings to glorify the name of satan. That is exactly what you are doing each time you whine, complain or make an excuse as to why you have a reason or right to feel a way that is not of God.

-CEV- James 1:4 But you must learn to endure everything, so that you will be completely mature and not lacking in anything.

I know that there will be saying they have prayed, they have given it over to the Lord, they have done what is necessary but the one other thing the do is to continue to feed satan with bitterness, hate, anger, sadness, fear. All of the things that satan feeds on and that Jesus detests.

How would you feel after having given your life for someone they forget about you and spend more time with the exact person that you gave your life to -CEV- Proverbstect them against? How would you feel if a special comforter was sent to you and all you did was ignore hm. All it takes is one simple negative thought or action to -CEV- Proverbsve this point.

You give your heart to Jesus and your mind to satan then you go one step farther and feed your mind where satan is living and starve your heart where Jesus is at. Is that showing much care for Jesus?

No it isn't. It is time for any of you that have let your minds become possesed by satan to quit feeding him right now and start concentrating on your heart. GOD IS IN CONTROL AND CAN ONLY BE IN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE IF YOU ALLOW IT !!! So why keep allowing satan to control you life via your mind. Why not hook some handles onto the side of your head to be sure you never lose satan.

By the continual feeding that you do by replenishing and dwelling every thought that satan puts in your mind and ignoring your heart and ignoring the Lord, that is just exactly what you are doing. Don't even let out so much as a *sigh* of discontent if you are TRULY wanting to get satan out of your mind. Each and every little *sigh* is one that will do nothing but feed satan all the more and give him a stronger hold on your life.

satan and his demons can not be dealt with a watered down, stroke me gently type of love. It takes a tough love which is the hardest love of all to give but look who we are fighting. We are fighting a being that only understands tuff. He only understands it when you act as if you really mean it. Don't think that after ASKING satan to leave that he will. He must be told in a stern way and that must be followed by faith that God will take care of him for you.

Don't think that by just saying that you will have faith in God to work this out for you that you will have all of those feelings removed in a matter of seconds minutes or sometimes even days. After all, you have been feeding satan for months and God will use His perfect plan and time to break down that fortress so it will never bother you again.

All you can do is to keep the faith and to start concentrating on your heart where the good things are and by all means, QUIT DWELLING ON YOUR MIND WHERE SATAN HAS BUILT A FORTRESS OUT OF MATRERIALS THAT YOU HAVE SUPPLIED HIM WITH !!!

Don't think that you are an innocent victim in this. It has been you that has fed this and it has been you that has dwellt on it. You need to pray continuously, keep a constant faith ON YOUR HEART WHERE THE LORD IS, and quit giving satan so much credit by dwelling on the feelings of your mind. Chances are, these feelings are not even totally real and it has only been by satan's powers that YOU have allowed what makes them seem so realistic to you.

God expects for you to dwell on Him and your heart and to never dwell on satan who has built a strong fortress in your mind. If you can't keep from dwelling on satan, perhaps you need to look at your salvation. Salvation doesn't come from you dwelling on satan. Salvation comes from you believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and by believing in Him, you will know that he has the power to overcome satan and any and all snares that he puts before you.

Without that faith, your salvation is pretty shallow and it just may be time for you to get together with the Lord and see just what you can do to strengthen it.


Just because you have an excuse as a reason why you are allowing satan to control your life through your mind is not a good enough excuse to think that the Lord is not strong enough to stop him. Remember, you have been feeding the feelings of a satanic nature for a long time and starving the feelings of the Lord in your heart for equally as long so don't think that at the exact moment you call on the Lord to bail you out that He will do it at that very second.

Maybe he will but again, He just may wait till everything is just right for your own benefit and to glorify His name through you. It is not up to us to put a time frame on God's work and if you do, you will most likely find yourself disappointed and still living for satan.

It is all about how strong your belief in God is and how strong your faith is. Many times it seems that your faith in satan far outweighs your faith in the Lord, after all, look who it is that you spend the majority of your time focusing on.

Let me ask a question to any of you that have feelings of anger, sadness, fear, despair or many of the other negative feelings. Do you spend more time dwelling on these feelings or dwelling on the Lord? From what I have seen many spend all of their time dwelling on the feelings of satan. It gets to a point that it appears it is being used simply to gain attention and if that be the case, please don't do that while -CEV- Proverbsfessing to be a Christian.

If you do the first thing non-believers will say is "well, just where is your God, why isn't He here to help?" What will your answer be?

I don't have the faith in Him. satan is stronger than God. God can't handle this -CEV- Proverbsblem, plus many more. While you are sitting here thinking that you would never say that, your actions are saying it loud and clear. So many things can be said without words.

Each and every negative word that comes from your mouth is food for satan and building materials for the fortress he is building in your mind. Each and every positive word that comes from your mouth tears a small piece of that fortress down.

You can not server 2 masters for you will hate or despise one as you dwell in the other. Have you ever allowed satan to build a fortress in your mind and let this to make you angry at God for allowing it to happen?

Don't forget, you have free will and it isn't God that allowed that fortress to be built. It is a -CEV- Proverbsduct of your own doing. It is made stronger and more real by the path you choose to take. Don't blame the Lord for what you have allowed.

There is a very short time frame in which you have to decide just how you will handle a -CEV- Proverbsblem and once this time frame has passed, you are stuck with your decision.

Let me give you an example. I woke up one morning and my right hand was totally paralyzed. My fingers were curled up, I had no feeling in it and could not move it any at all. I was mad, I was angry, I was furious that such a thing could happen to me. What would I do for the rest of my life with a paralyzed hand.

My friends, I was feeding satan a Thanksgiving turkey. A day ot two later, I resolved it within myself that a paralyzed hand is what I had to work with and by God, I was going to make the best of it. I was then feeding my heart a Thanksging meal. It was no time at all that I received full use of my hand back and when i say no time at all I am talking about a day or so, possibly long enough for my faith to be tested.

Fortunately for me this time threshold was a few days but many times this time threshold may only be a few seconds so you had better be ready on how you are going to react to tragedy, hardships or any of the many other things that may come your way.

Getting rid of a demonic stronghold that you have allowed satan to build in your mind is no easy task. By the time that you realize it is there, satan already has control of your mind. It is going to take some serious prayer and a lot of faith, possibly more than you have ever shown before to get rid of this thing once and for all and once you do, if you are smart, you will never entertain a single thought that will allow satan to rebuild.

Don't expect it to happen overnight. It may but just don't expect it, after all, you have spent a long time helping satan build this stronghold and it will take great faith, strength and work to disassemble it and to kick satan out of your mind once and for all.

First of all, stop feeding satan the supplies he needs to reinforce this stronghold. You pray like you never have before asking God to help you keep from feeding satan and to remove this fortress from you. It can be done but it isn't going to be easy and most likely won't happen quickly.

Then it will be time to see just what kind of faith you have. It will require as much or more faith than you have ever put into anything to break down the demonic powers that have taken over your mind.

Go ahead and say it. How dare you say i am possessed by a demon or have a demonic possession. I will answer you with this. Are these feelings that you have and are dwelling on, are they of God? If they are not part of the solution, they are part of the -CEV- Proverbsblem.

Remember. It is your MIND that satan has control of, the place where your thoughts originate from and because of that, satan has a distinct edge over you in controlling your thoughts. That is the main reason that it is so important that you get the Lord involved in helping you with this.

Quit dwelling on the negative thoughts of the mind and start dwelling on the positive thought of Jesus who lives in your heart. Many times it will help to pick up some kind of hobby to help keep your mind off of these negative thoughts. In my opinion, that is one key factor in defeating something like this.

For myself, I used to do a lot of bonsai trees. Not only did these take work to create but also require daily attention and will show the beauty of God's creation and just how He could work through me to bring something beautiful out of myself. Working on this website does wonders too.

Most importantly is faith. Without the faith that the Lord will take care of this for you, Hang it up right now. It will not happen and just because you say that you have faith, if in five minutes or even 5 days, you are ready to give up on God for not ridding you of this demonic misery then your faith needs work. Faith requires patience and that patience may be required of you for years.

Don't forget who it was that supplied satan with all of the materials for this stronghold and just how much it was nurtured while being developed so you just have faith knowing that God will take care of it no matter how long it takes.

What other choice do you have, feed satan and live in this demonic possessed state of misery for the rest of your life or to have faith in God and even if it takes several years to be corrected, that is much better than a lifetime of no help at all.

God wants to help but He is going to require some effort on your part. You should at the very least be willing to put forth the effort in having faith in God as the effort you put forth in helping the devil build this stronghold in your mind.

The choice is all yours, live with a demonic possession in your head or give the Lord as much time as required to undo what you have helped to build. For me, I go with God and hope that you will do the same.

For any of you that have not faced this tragedy, I encourage you to pay close attention to all that has been said here to avoid the pitfalls and snares that are waiting for the perfect time to invade your mind. There isn't a single one of us here that are untouchable by this.

The one that takes resident in your heart, Jesus Christ, He is about love, peace, charity and all good things. He isn't happy when you decide to allow satan into your life and because of feelings of anger, fear, sadness, depression and despair, you can rest assured that none of these things are of God and are of satan himself.

If you have accepted Jesus into your heart as your personal Savior, you will have a fighting chance. If you do not know Jesus, think about what this leaves open. First of all you will not have the Holy Ghost to comfort you.

Your heart will not be possessed by Jesus and that leaves another place for satan to occupy. That leaves your soul. satan will grab hold of your soul and believe me, you will not have a fighting chance of winning this battle against satan. Your only chance will be a full fledged miracle by the Lord to totally cast this demon from your entire being. That my friends will not be a pretty picture.

If you don't have Jesus in your heart, don't you think it would be wise to go ahead and get this area taken care of. Along with that, you will also receive the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, that will be there with you to help.

Don't think it can not happen to you. There are people right now that can tell you that they themselves thought the same thing at one time and the next thing they knew, they were in such a depressed state that they have spent most of their lives dealing with it. Please don't allow this ugly thing to happen to you, take precautions now before it's too late.

For those that are currently in this situation that do know Jesus you have means and methods to turn to that will set you free, if only you will allow it by following some of the guidelines presented here. You have less places for satan to dwell, a comforter and Jesus there to help you with this battle, only if you will let them. It is up to you and will take practice getting into a new frame of mind.

Those that have Jesus and are not in this situation, I urge you to stick very close to these principals. You are as vulnerable as the next person,

Who are you going to follow in this? satan or God?

Give it to God. Give it all to God so that you can live in peace and happiness once again and forever and above all, stop feeding this and get down to the business of getting it corrected and be happy once again.