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Pray For Him

Hurricane Ike had just hit. There was no damage to me but it was during this time that I had a problem with a friend. Some of the things said were really agrivating me. One night I sat thinking to myself about how the next time he is in my truck and does this, I will drive way out in the country and dump him. Make him walk. That will show him.

Then I heard from God.

Why don't you pray for him?


After a little thought I was thinking yeah, the next time we are in Denneys or somewhere and he spouts off I will bow my head and pray for him right then and there. That will show him and hopefully make him feel bad.

I heard from God again...

Why not pray for him now?

Awww, cmon God. Thats no good but with a little thought knew God was right. I prayed for my friend right then and there with the thought of repeating this in public the next time he spouts off.

The next time we went to eat I anxiously waited his criticisms. Even tried to provoke them a time or two but he wouldn't take the bait. Finally he said, I've been feeling some convictions.

The matter was solved, not in the vengeful way I wanted but in a way that is good for everyone concerned.

Thank you God.